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Ready, Set…GO!

Updated: Jul 10, 2024


OK, so we know we need to eat right, brush and floss, get eight hours of sleep, drink plenty of water and, of course, exercise. We know that a mere 30 minutes of exercise a day is like the apple, keeping those doctors away.

Well, I am tired of aching, tired of the blahs, tired of being sick and, yes, I am tired of being tired! I am tired of being too scared and (dare I say it) too lazy to do something about it! I am tired of being like the man who sat by the pool for 38 years with the healing waters within reach (see John 5:1-9). My pastor recently noted in a sermon that the man was there—right there—for nearly four decades! Jesus even asked the man: “Do you want to get well?” (John 5:6 NIV). Yikes! Does the Lord have to get face to face with me and ask: “Do you even want what I have for you?”

That inspired me! I will no longer give the Lord, or myself, any more excuses to stay in the “comfort” of the mundane, everyday routine and stay sick, depressed, and tired. Nope. No more. Done.  How do we do this? Ready. Set. Go!

First, we need to get ready! The story of the man at the healing pool stirred my spirit and I believe we need to get our hearts set on the true will of God— happy, healthy, and whole!

Ready yourself: “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?” (1 Corinthians 6:19 KJV).

Second, get set! Once our hearts are in alignment with the Word, we need to get our minds made up. This means no more excuses and no more fear! The main reason we fail to start is that we are scared. I was way too intimidated to go to the gym because I thought all the other people were better than me—and I have a degree in Sport and Exercise Science! I teach this stuff! My health and happiness will last a lot longer than anyone else’s snap judgment of me ever will.

Set yourself: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7 KJV).

Finally, go! Do it! Pick something you will actually do and stick to it. It does not matter what it is or where you do it, but that you actually do it and keep doing it.

Get started with these simple moves designed to get you toned all over! Start with 2 sets of 10 repetitions each, 2-3 days per week for the next 4 weeks. Then challenge yourself to 3 sets of 10 repetitions or 2 sets of 15. Bump it up another notch after another 4 weeks and add light weights (5-10 pounds) at 2 sets of 10 repetitions or 3 sets of 15. (Don’t have weights? Try soup cans or old jugs filled with water!) Follow this plan and you will be so amazed at what you can accomplish—when you just get ready, set and go!

Total Body Blast


  1. Start in a standing position with your feet a little wider than hip-width apart. Stand next to a wall to help with balance.

  2. Standing tall, slowly inhale, bend your knees and lower your hips until they are parallel to the floor (or as close as is comfortable). Keep your arms straight at your sides.

  3. Exhale and slowly return to a standing position. As you stand, slowly bend your elbows and bring your hands up toward your shoulders.

  4. As you reach a full standing position, push your hands up toward your head, extending your elbows fully. Try and keep all the steps in one fluid movement.

  5. Inhale and slowly bend your elbows and return your hands back to your shoulders, then back down to your sides


Standing Bend Row

  1. Start in a standing position, slowly inhale and bend forward at your hips and lower your upper body until parallel with the floor (or as close as is comfortable). Keep a slight bend in your knees to support your lower back. Keep your arms straight and your hands pointing down to the floor.

  2. Exhale, squeeze your shoulder blades together, and bend your elbows and bring them up to the level of your upper body so you make a “T” Your elbows will be pointing away from you and your hands will still be pointing down toward the floor.

  3. Inhale and release your arms back to the straight position.

  4. Exhale, squeeze your rear end and return to the standing position.


Lunge Shoulder T’s

  1. Start in a standing position with one foot in front of you about 2-3 feet and the other foot extended to the back 2-3 feet. Stand next to a wall to help with balance. Keep your arms straight at your sides.

  2. Inhale and slowly bend your back knee toward the ground. This will bring your front knee into a 90 degree position.

  3. Exhale, keeping your arms straight and bringing them up, parallel to the floor. Continue to bring the straight arms together in front of you, touching your thumbs together.

  4. Inhale and reverse the arms back out to the sides and then down as you return to the standing position. (If your balance is not yet cooperating, complete the arm “T’s” while in the standing position, separate from the lunge movement.)

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