Young ladies’ minds are uniquely wired. We have so many thoughts going through our heads during the day—and sometimes, all at once! But do those thoughts agree with what God says in the Word? Are they lies from the enemy? You see, the enemy comes into our lives to “steal, kill, and destroy” (Jn. 10:10 NIV). He tries to steal our peace and rob our joy by planting thoughts that bring fear, worry, distraction, etc. But the Word says to “cast all your anxiety on him because He cares for you” (1 Pt. 5:7 NIV).
We need to take every negative thought captive and leave it at the feet of Jesus. When we feed ourselves words like, “I am not good enough,” or “I am ugly,” or “I am a failure,” we start to believe the lies that the enemy has planted in our minds. So often, we punish ourselves or find fault in our circumstances, so we become afraid to be our true selves and tend to hide. Just like Eve when she tried to hide from the Lord after eating the forbidden fruit in Genesis 3:10. She felt naked. We often find ourselves hiding behind many things, including makeup, humor, withdrawals, and bitter silences. We hide because we feel safer that way. No one can hurt us if we are hiding. But girls, we are meant to be warriors! We have a warrior spirit in us!
There is, however, an excellent way to hide away that is not rooted in shame: it is by trusting in His Word. Psalms 119:11 says, “I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you” (NIV). We can hide in Christ because He is our strong tower and refuge, and He protects us. He fights for us. He passionately loves us. With the Word hidden in our hearts, the enemy has no authority or power over us. According to Strong’s Concordance, the Hebrew word for “hide” is tsaphan meaning “to treasure or to store up.” What treasures are stored up in your heart? Guilt? Shame? Bitterness? Choose to value and treasure what God says about you in His Word. Let God’s voice outweigh the opinions of the world. Romans 12:2 tells us, “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (ESV).
The words that come from your mouth toward others, yourself, or your circumstances can destroy or build up. Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences” (NLT). So, what kind of words are you saying to and about yourself? God’s voice will always produce life. So, when we hear the voice that accuses, shames, or confuses us, know it is not of the Lord! God loves us so much that when He speaks, it is to empower, build up, love, and help us grow into what He has called us to be.
When I was younger, I searched for approval in the wrong places. I had low self-esteem, battled insecurity, and I hated people telling me what to do and how to live my life. When I grew older, I realized that I had an unhealed heart. I had a real identity crisis—I didn’t know what true love was or who I was. I was wandering, trying to fit in somewhere. But God met me in the darkest place in my life and showed me His light. There was a better life outside of what I was doing! When I was overwhelmed with the many voices in my head, I found it helpful to write down Scripture to help me fight the lies of the enemy that tried to overtake me. I challenge you to write down Biblical truths of what the Word says about who you are in Christ. You can rest knowing that you are already chosen, loved, accepted, and sought after by your heavenly Father.